Monday, July 28, 2014

Orange Ginger Chicken in less than 1 hour

OK, here’s the cooking part.  I love to cook. I love to search for new recipes. BUT I never quite make it the way the recipe calls for.  I found the original recipe on Pinterest (what a surprise, my website of addiction), here’s the original recipe - Slow Cooker Orange Chicken from

 It’s a slow cooker recipe which I am generally very fond of. But today I just felt like spending time in the kitchen, so I adjusted it. I also love chicken, there’s so many ways to play with it. I stock up on boneless, skinless chicken breasts every time it’s on sale, and marinades, all flavors, brands, seasoning, just check my pantry, it’s a storehouse of flavored bottles.  Anyway, back to the orange chicken… I defrosted 2 chicken breast, only feeding 2 people now so I have to keep it small.  We are living in what used to be my in-laws home, with all of their belongings. Fortunately, they liked to cook also, so every gadget you could imagine is here. The set of knives is amazing! Using one of these amazing knives, I cut the chicken breasts into bite sized chunks and covered them in flour. I use a pie pan to bread or flour things, it’s low on the sides so it’s easy to get my hands into and spread out enough to get a lot of chunks in at a time.

I also really love butter. I know they say it’s bad, but I think it’s better than the fake stuff (partially hydrogenated oil – do you KNOW what that is???? Ask me, I’ll explain in great detail)  in margarine. At least butter is reasonably natural. So I put 2-3 tablespoons in a fryer and add the floured chicken.

Once the chicken is browned, well actually more like ‘tanned’, I add my own sauce.

This is where I fake it. Orange juice, ginger, and brown sugar. That’s it! Whisk it up and when the chicken is tanned, add the sauce.

I brought it to a low boil, turned the temp down to low and let it simmer away. Meanwhile, I made the rice to go under it. Just good old Rice a Roni, this one is long grain wild rice. It’s healthier, at least I think it’s healthier and that’s really what counts, right?

Now to the amount I made. Remember, I cook for an army, or at least a large family. I only used 2 chicken breasts, so I hoped I scaled it back enough. I plated it and had my doubts! 

John, my hubby, loved it, but there was still a little bit left. Fortunately he loved it enough to ‘force himself’ to finish it so it doesn’t go to waste – but it will go to my waist, so I didn’t want any more. This is what was left for him to finish. Not too bad for my cooking for 2 effort!

Here is as close to the ‘recipe’ as I can get:

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in chunks (about 1” square)
Flour – enough to coat the chicken
2 Tablespoons butter
1 cup orange juice
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tspn. Ground ginger
Sauce: In a medium bowl, add orange juice, brown sugar and ginger. Whisk until well blended. Put aside.
Coat the chicken in the flour. Using a large frying pan, melt the butter then add the coated chicken. After the chicken has browned, approximately 5 minutes, add the sauce and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Serve over rice.

Enjoy! Please let me know if you try this and how it turns out for you. Do you have any great, or even good, chicken recipes you would be willing to share?

Finally, let your creativity flow, it’s a lifeline to a happy life.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Crafts, Cooking and Gardening, Oh My

So with all my new found ‘freedom’, I’m not sure which direction to go to first. The weather says “Garden”, but the mosquitoes say “oh yea, come here” and I HATE mosquitoes. Blogging is new to me, so I’m not sure what I’m doing here either. Reinventing myself is a lot harder than it would appear.

Having had a craft store, I have tons of supplies.

And I frequent the local craft store clearance sections regularly. I was at a yard sale a couple of months ago and there were a couple of bags of acrylic paints being sold. When I asked how much, the woman must have liked the look on my face and told me to just take them!!! FREE craft supplies – can’t beat that. Here are some samples of the things I have made recently. Tutorials for any of these can be made available if anyone is interested. And most of the supplies are upcycled or easily accessible (read that as inexpensive). I also love doing home décor pieces. Decorating our home with handmade goodies is right up my alley. Since we will shortly, hopefully, be re-doing the home my in-laws lived in for 35 years, lots of decorating projects will be upcoming.

I also have been doing children’s craft/birthday parties for a while. This is a blast. I love to inspire young minds. So I guess crafts come first in my new time management life course. Is there a craft you have been wanting to learn how to do? Please let me know, leave a comment, and I’ll make sure it gets on the ‘agenda’.
Cooking, well this is kind of a necessity. But I do love to try new recipes. Any kind, baking, brunches, side dishes, main course. . . if it involves food – I’m there. I recently tried making almond butter, but I haven’t gotten it down yet, so when I do, you can expect to see that here, too. If you have a recipe you want to share, or have someone else try first, I’m always up for being the guinea pig, leave me a comment! I’ll give it a shot and if it doesn’t work out, there’s always a pizza place right down the street. I will let you know how good, or bad, it was though.

If you are an ‘empty nester’ I would love to hear how you made the adjustment. Have you taken up hobbies? Volunteer? Started a new career? I find myself playing with Finnegan, my 4 legged baby, a lot more. He minds this greatly – NOT! Even John, my hubby, plays with him more nowadays.

Well, please let me know what YOU would like to see here. And feel free to share the blog, if you feel so inspired. Finally, let your creativity flow, it’s a lifeline to a happy life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome! I have recently become an ‘empty nester’ and am taking the opportunity to embrace some things I have not been able to do much of in the last few years. It’s a toss-up of whether crafting or cooking is more of my passion, so you will most likely see a lot of both here. But, not your average craft/cooking blog. I am gearing what I do to the time of life I (and possibly you) am in. Three years ago I was cooking dinners for 8 – 10 people, now that’s down to 2! Learning to scale back on food production is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Having had a teenage boy in the house, there were never left overs, snacks lasted 2 days at the most, and Gatorade was a staple!

Now a bag of chips lasts almost 2 weeks – unheard of! Last night I made baked ziti for dinner and only used ¼ of the box of pasta. . .and not only was it enough, it was lunch today too! I love trying new recipes so please share any you particularly like.
Then we have to get to the crafting. I have been crafting for over 40 years (Yes, I started in the crib ;) ). Now I can craft things not to save money, though that’s always a good thing, but to make my house the way we want it. My home doesn’t have to be baby proofed, at least not until the grandchildren arrive, so I can create to my heart’s content. Actually, I do have 1 adorable granddaughter, but, sadly, I don’t see her very much.
But I digress, back to crafts. One of my biggest joys in life is inspiring creativity in others, so I hope to inspire you. I have done so many crafts I could open my own craft store – oh wait, I had a craft business. I worked at Michael’s for a while, running the classroom, when corporate closed ALL the classrooms. So, I opened my own craft class business. But that is in the past, the supplies, however, are all still here! We’re talking scrapbooking, home décor, mosaics, jewelry making, clay designing and lots more.

You will see all kinds of things to do here that will, hopefully, inspire you. If you want to see something specific, I’ll try my best to accommodate.
Finally, the other topic that will most likely appear frequently is dogs. I am a dogaholic. I’ve had 5 dogs at one time, 2 beagles and 3 labs.  Currently, I only have one very special four legged baby, Finnegan.

He’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, known as the ‘love dog’. And that’s all this special little guy wants to do, love you and give ‘facials’. I get several a day, which does wonders for my glasses. At 19 lbs., mostly fur, he is the perfect lap dog.
Well, I look forward to getting to know many of you. Please share this and spread the link and the word.